Radio Glen Listed Jingles

Once upon a time, a long long time ago back in the forgotten mists of the 1980s, someone at Radio Glen found enough money down the back of the sofa to have some real professional jingles recorded. Blimey! As if that wasn't surprising enough, we were still using them in 1994. The only remaining copy of these sacred relics was hastily recorded from the Aristocarts via the mixing desk sometime before Easter 1991 onto a scabby old cassette, as I felt that I would miss the good good sounds of Radio Glen over my Easter hols. The quality is as you'd expect; The odd wibbly wobbly intro, the drop out on the station opening where Terrence "I'm not called that any more" Fwit recorded over the splice, and all in super-surround mono. (Some of) the distortion is due to the oscillation that occurred on the desk at the time when the peak meter LEDs activated.

The masters probably exist somewhere, though these were never located in the station during my time and that was with exhaustive searching through every shagged out old tape reel in the place. T. Fwit says John Clement had 'em last. It would be nice to hear them in their full glorious stereo, if anyone out there has a better set.

Why "Listed Jingles?" I hear you ask. Well, if you knew that, it wouldn't be an in joke, would it?

You can click on the links and somehow the browser ought to play it as background, via the mystery of an embedded mp3 decoder somewhere in the system. Works for me, anyway.

Edit 2013:  I've allowed the above piece of completely incorrect urban myth to continue in the true spirit of station history along with the Boldrewood Tunnel, John Smith's secret underground fall-out shelter and all the other crap that Station Manager Rory regularly made up after a couple of jars.  It is untrue and I will try to dig out Mr. Carnage's email which contains the True Story.  (It's another true stor-reeee...)

Station Opening

All wonderful 60 seconds of it. "Every morning, Every Evening..." Well, most weekend mornings and most evenings at least. Getting students to do weekday breakfast shows is not a task for the faint hearted. Not least because you have to get out of bed to get them out of bed.

Wibbly Wobbly Good Morning

"It's so good to be up this morning,..." No it's bloody not. It's well before two o'clock in the afternoon and no well-fed Glen Eyre resident has any business being out of bed before Neighbours." More frequently used during the early hours than during breakfast.

Wibbly Wobbly Good Evening

'Nuff said really. Yes, this is what it really sounded like if you rammed in the cart in a hurry and didn't give the motor enough time to speed up.

Good Good Night.

More accurately named Bloody Awful Goodnight, this never failed to raise a wail as generally very pissed people sung along to the catawailing moans towards the end, at 02:00 on a Saturday morning before joining the listeners up at the bar to engage in the extended bar cleaning session. Though otherwise far from spotless, the bar was certainly uncontaminated by beer at the end.
Lyrics to note: "Neeee-hhherr-heer." "ooooooooooh-eh -Radio Glen <ruptures>"

News In

Ah, a curiosity here. This, isn't a Glen jingle specifically, but was nicked an awful long time ago from LBC (?) news. This I was told one evening when Chris Carnage popped in with some of his showbiz chums to show them his humble beginnings in student radio. See also Talkshop.


The 30 second version of the news in jingle. Now that's how to do an introduction to a jingle! Listen out for the highly amusing camp woodblock and the trombone bit right at the end. Not to mention the analogue synth runs.

Apparantly, Southampton and Glen Eyre alumnus Chris Carnage did a Radio Glen news programme called Talkshop. There was an old tape where they tried to use the two BTR tape machines and some milk bottles to loop the tape round the studio and set-up a 7 second profanity delay so that they could take on-air callers using the long-lost original TBU. This is noteable, if only because these rehearsals included some level checks where the female presenter reveals information clearly suggesting intimate knowledge of the enormity of Mr Carnage's genitals. Unfortunately, Colin Hairpiece recorded shite dance music over this precious historic recording, so no proof exists.

The Radio 1 Collection - to be dug out from Matt and/or Wiggy.  Here is a picture of The Wigster in the 'new' studio 1 in the New Terraces around 1998:

Wiggy in New Terraces 1998

Recorded in or around 1990, by "Dicky." (More information will be available when we get Carolyn drunk and dig up some more ancient memories.) The process is a simple one and involves a road trip to London and standing around outside Radio 1 all day with a tape recorder. You then mob your fave DJs with plaintive requests to do a quick voice over into the mic. I believe we have Philip Schofield, DLT, and the real good one is John Peel where he sounds so ticked off.

Love Theme

Oh Dear. Not quite in the Goodnight category of wailing, this time it is a female providing the cringe inducing vocal at the end of the soupy strings.

vocal intro waffle bed

The quality Radio Glen 1602 theme once more, but this time with some instrumental space in the middle to waffle over the top of, or if you like, do a really tenuous link into the next record. Better still, compose your entire program out of the most excruciatingly bad wildly made up terrible links and keep it up for two whole hours. It's even better than the reel thing....What is? The birdhouse in my sole of course! (etc etc.....)

30 second instrumental

Or, "Oh bugger. The record's run out and it's still half a minute until the news." This is the point where the comedy "Leaving the jingle un-cued gag" works best.

Lots more Tat...

dry 1602
dry Callsign
dry callsign 2
dry rg1602
dry rg sound of soton
dry soton
dry sound of soton
fast rg shout
medium vocal
musical 1602
news out
talkshop stab

More hilarious jingle and advert fun when we can be bothered to dust off and digitise those dodgy four track cassettes and mixdowns. Robbie G's recording session of the Fatty Arbuckle's advert may have to be included in full, I feel.