This Is The Interesting
Electronics Top Index Page
If you
were looking for my electronics kits and electronic
components sales outlet site, that's at, where there are details of some
good radio and other kits, and the related sales outlets.
If you were looking for some electronics and other general
amusement, then you're in the right place if you click on the
main site link below.
Henry's Interesting
Electronics Website Contents
This is a link to my website contents that were hosted on NTL
/ Virgin way back when the Earth's crust was still being
crushed and folded, and dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I was
going to leave it largely untouched, but it's turned out that
everything needs updating from time-to-time, so why not use
the old structure anyway. For analogue obsessives
there's some interesting electronics items and, I've brought
back some of the Radio Glen 1602 and Monumental Tat Amusement.
There are some new bits as well. My email address below
is checked daily including the spam folders.

Recent Edit History
10-DEC-2024: Sales links now concentrated on for easier updates.